Can I have both upper and lower wisdom teeth extracted?

Q : Can I have both upper and lower wisdom teeth extracted?

One of her wisdom teeth has a cavity, so she goes to the dentist to have it extracted, but she says that she needs to get the wisdom tooth out as well.

Is it right to do it together or does it matter if I remove the upper tooth with the cavity?

Will it be a problem if only one of the top or bottom is extracted?

wisdom teeth

A1 : Generally, wisdom teeth are extracted from top to bottom.

But, If you want to remove one, it doesn't matter much if you say you want to remove one, so talk to the dentist.

A2 : Precautions

This may vary depending on the condition of your wisdom teeth. However, most wisdom teeth are recommended to be removed. Of course, if the wisdom tooth erupts in a good direction and normally erupts, it is not necessary to remove it, but such cases are extremely rare.

If food is caught between the front molars due to partial or complete impaction and tooth decay or inflammation occurs, it is recommended to remove it.

In particular, if there is a smell or swelling and pain due to inflammation, it is recommended to visit a hospital and plan an extraction in the near future. The extraction time depends on the level of difficulty, but you can expect between 5 minutes and an hour.

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